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Website: /library_/about-us/support-us: Support Us

Support Us

Become a Library Associate
The Stetson University Library Associates is a special group of individuals and organizations pledged to support the resources, services, and facilities of the duPont-Ball Library at Stetson University. As we continue to develop our electronic and physical collections and services for the University community, your support will be critical.
Online Gift Form OR print Pledge of Support Form.

Why Become a Stetson Library Associate?
You can make a difference for students by supporting the library goals:
- to be the University information center
- to be a primary resource for life-long learning
- to be the central intellectual meeting place on campus
Gifts to the library make it possible to purchase research materials, provide appropriate technology, and purchase enhancements to make the library more conducive to study and research.
As an Associate, you will receive:
- Two Library Newsletters each year (mailed to Associates and also available on our website) to keep you aware of Library services and activities
- Invitations to special events and receptions with University faculty, staff, and friends
- Access to the library’s collections
Associate level ($50 – $99):
- Access to the entire collection of physical materials
- Access to the library subscription databases from library computers
- Reference and research assistance from librarians
- Alumni Associates also receive courtesy cards allowing checkout of circulating materials
Donor Associate level and above ($100 or more):
All of the above, plus:
- Courtesy cards allowing checkout of circulating materials

Please Note: Due to our licensing agreements with database vendors and limited staffing, Associates do not have access to the library’s subscription database services from off-campus, interlibrary loan service, or the Innovation Lab including the 3D printers.


How Do You Become a Library Associate?
You can use Stetson’s secure Online Gift Form (make your pledge to one of the library’s funds) or print out the Pledge of Support complete it, and mail it with your check or credit card information.
If you send your donation directly to the Development Office, please note: “LIBRARY ASSOCIATES.”
For more information on helping us provide the best in research and learning tools and techniques for Stetson students, contact Interim Library Director, Debbi Dinkins,, 386-822-7181.

Associates: Enjoy our Library, but please abide by the following policies:
PRINTING: Academic-related printing is free. All non-academic and commercial printing is 10 cents per page and should be paid with cash or check at the front desk.
CONDUCT & INTERNET USE: Our Library Conduct & Internet Use policies can be read at:
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