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Website: /library_/interlibrary-loan: Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

What is ILL?
Interlibrary Loan – A process for requesting books and articles that the duPont-Ball library does not have, but another institution does. The duPont-Ball library borrows the item in question from a different library on your behalf!
How it works
To request a book or article via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) please complete the form below. Allow 2 or more weeks for delivery.
ILL Request Form for books, chapters and articles (PDF - Help Form)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Lending Information for Other Libraries
Interlibrary loan is a available to Stetson University faculty and staff, current students, and retired faculty and staff.
Complete a request form for each item needed.  Allow 2 or more weeks for delivery. Plan ahead and place requests early for best results.
Please note:
- Books come through the mail or FedEx and may take 2 weeks or more to arrive.
- Articles may take up to 2 weeks but typically arrive earlier and in PDF format.
- The loan period for ILL books is typically 6 weeks but depends on the policy of the lending library. Some lending libraries do not allow renewals.
- The library does not typically borrow textbooks for students due to the short, 6 week loan period.
- License agreements prevent most libraries from lending eBooks or eVideos through ILL. If you request an eBook or eVideo the library will substitute a print (paper) format or DVD format.
- Any fines or fees for borrowed ILL materials are the responsibility of the borrower.
- ILL items may not be placed on Course Reserve.
Before submitting an ILL request, check the OneSearch for books and journals already owned by the library.
For journal articles, check the Journals List. This list will let you know if our library has the journal article you need, and whether it is available in paper, microform, or online. Some journals are held in several formats.
How to make a request
Use the ILL Request Form. The form sends your request information to the portal the library uses to request items from other libraries.
Use the link included in one of the library’s research databases. To use this feature (available in OneSearch and others):
1.  Search and find the item which meets your needs
2.  Click on the title to open the item you want to request
3.  Click on Request Item through Interlibrary Loan button or Find Full Text. (If there is no link to full text, click Request Item through Interlibrary Loan).
4.  Fill in the information requested (some fields are required)
5.  Click Submit
6.  Look for a confirmation screen with a request number. Keep the information for your records.
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